Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. ~James 1:27
Sadie was lying on the floor the other day, and Mark went to prop Steven up against her to take their picture together. It didn't work at all. Sadie popped up as soon as Mark tried to set Steven down. He ended up putting Steven in his jumparoo, and this was as close as Sadie was willing to go. Maybe someday we'll get a good picture of them together!!
I'm not sure what Sadie's problem is. She does like him even though she does get a bit jealous. I think that she's just not ready to have him sitting by her, especially since that means that she can't try to lick him when I'm not looking. Whenever I put Steven's cream on him, she really wants to lick it off--esp. his hands and his hair. I wish she'd give that up!
I just want to be dressed and left alone!
Daddy and Little Buddy Time
Just to show you how much he's grown, here are some pictures of his first bath at our house. This was the week of December 17th.
A very little Little Buddy!
We don't do daily baths in our house--partly because it isn't good for his skin, and partly because we just don't have the time or energy! But on Sunday, he got a good rinsing in my parents' kitchen sink after his first real diaper blow out. Then today (Monday), he had a spray down in the shower with his clothes on because of a very nasty blowout! I rinsed off each layer of clothing before I took it off until I finally got rid of everything, and then I gave him a quick washing before getting him dressed in his FOURTH outfit for the day!!
On Saturday, Mark dragged the basement door up only to discover that it goes the opposite way. We debated whether or not to use it even though the handle would be chest high, but then we realized that we'd have to drill a new latch hole. That sealed it. We are just living with a hole in our bathroom door. At least for now. We really want to replace all the doors, but that isn't in our budget anytime soon.
I almost have it!